CEM 11 Plus

The Cambridge 11+ is a name given to eleven plus tests provided by Cambridge Assesments following the joint aquistion of Durham University’s  Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring by Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press.

The tests are also known as CEM 11+ tests. CEM is are now part of Cambridge University.

The CEM Select 11+ Exam
The 11+ is a selective entrance exam aimed to select academic potential for children entering grammar schools and some independent schools. These tests are predominately paper based. CEM stopped providing paper based tests in 2023 and only operate computer based assessments using their CEM Select system.

CEM Select is an online assessment that forms part of the selection process at a number of independent and grammar schools. The test can be taken by students seeking entry at 11+, 12+ or 13+.

CEM Select computer assessments are claimed to have been designed for selective independent schools, selective state schools, and over-subscribed non-selective state schools. They are claimed to enable children to demonstrate their academic potential ensuring a fair school admissions process, which has not been evidenced.

The tests measure verbal, non-verbal and mathematical skills, where each child completes the assessment independently, working at a computer and guided by on-screen instructions.

CEM do not provide any commercially available practice materials (including practice or past papers). They do endorse any other commercially available resources or tuition services. However, all pupils receive standardised familiarisation materials.

The average duration of each test is 60-minutes (which includes the introductory questions and instructions).

The assessments support developed abilities in reading and maths that are claimed to rely on genuine understanding rather than learning through repetition. No evidence is available to substantiate this claim.

CEM Select Tests for Independent Schools

There are two versions of CEM Select for independent schools:

  • CEM Select Evaluate provides year-on-year comparability. The results are age standardised and national norms are included.
  • CEM Select Challenge offers a numerous of versions of the assessment, allowing reuse of  the same test each year to provide year on year comparability or to choose a different test each year. Raw scores are reported, including sub-section scores and a total score to enable candidates to be ranked.


CEM Select assesses Verbal, Non-Verbal and Numerical Ability. Online tests contain a number of question types which can be completed via selection, drag and drop, auto-complete. It is effectivley a time pressured speed test lasting 60 minutes. There is an option for 25% extra time.

CEM Claims

CEM claim to have a Unique Selling Point (USP): provision of tests "more resistant to coaching influences" and that merely revealing how they process the raw test scores to arrive at the ‘standardised’ scores would prejudice their commercial interests

There is “compelling” and “provided evidence that the claimed USP of tutorproofing is highly questionable and that the public interest warranted close examination of this claim which could only be achieved through the disclosure of the disputed material.”
There are concerns whether CEM really does try to reduce the effects of coaching and whether it achieves this on some level.
11+ Test Information

11+ Exams

There are numerous organisations that create entrance exams for secondary school admission. The main supplier is GL Assessment (GLA)®. CEM® . Cambridge, have pulled out of paper-based 11+ tests leaving the field wide open to GL Assessment. CEM provide online test using CEM Select and are mainly used by private schools. A A few small state schools use these tests.

CEM Centre and GLA

Both sets secondary school entrance assessments (widely referred to as selective entrance or 11+ exams) for various English grammar schools and regions, including Bexley; BirminghamBuckinghamshire; CCHS (Essex); Gloucestershire; Henrietta Barnett & LatymerReadingRedbridgeShropshire; Slough; WalsallWarwickshire; Wolverhampton; Trafford; Bexley; Torbay & DevonKent Shepway, and Medway .

GL Assessment
® (formally National Foundation for Educational Research®) is another supplier. Every year GL Assessment® constructs new, custom-made selection tests for many schools and Local Authorities. Although GL Assessment® is the copyright holder of the tests, it is the property of the commissioning school or Local Authority for the duration of use.

Both tests are easy to prepare for using WordBuilder.co.uk and CoolCleverKids.co.uk.

Purchase Mock Exams from the Shop

Past eleven plus papers set by CEM Centre® Cambridge University are not released and cannot be purchased. Usually, two weeks before the test, applicants receive a sample sheet containing example questions.

The new tests from GL Assessment® are similar in to tests from the University of Durham®  as far as content is concerned. The move is towards a rich vocabulary, curriculum maths (old level 5 and 6, now a score of 105+) and NVR. The difficulty is tailored for GL 11+ (Grade Level 11+).
Children`s Educational Material for the 11+ has constructed seven practice mock exams. These mock test packs consists of two 50-60 minute papers as well as answers and are available from the shop.

These are NOT endorsed or associated with CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring® who do not provide preparation material. They are also suitable for the new GL Assessment® and ISEB selection tests.

Warwickshire and Birmingham Consortium

From 2016, Warwickshire shares Birmingham 11+ Consortium test, so 5000 Birmingham students and 2000 Warwickshire students can pass on content to late Warwickshire sitters. The shared test will now require students to mark answers on a separate answer sheet and no longer write answers in a booklet, increasing the chances of marking answers in the incorrect place as has occurred numerous times in other regions. If a test is shared, with other regions, always tick a box to share results with another areas as a backup plan. You have nothing to lose by doing so, and it could prove useful. You never know what may happen.

In 2013, the Lawrence Sheriff School in Rugby unlawfully withdrew a place of a child days before the end of year 6 despite the local authority refusing to withdraw the place on four occasions. Luckily the child was offered a place at Schools in two different areas (Walsall and Birmingham) as opposed to be left unplaced because of serious failings of this school. Unfortunately, the child displaced other innocent children, through no fault of his own when he moved straight to the top of waiting lists and was offered places. Play safe and share results with other schools and areas even if you have no intention of taking up a place in other areas.


Free Mock Exams

Taking a "free mock" will cost the school money. But one would expect financially astute schools to consider the financial implications of setting an early test date. Common sense dictates an earlier test is likely to be used as a "free mock" and this has been well known to occur for many years.

We recommend all children, where possible, register for the Warwickshire 11+ tests.

Mock tests are the best way to prepare. What better than using a real test as a mock? This is your legal right.

We believe there is no evidence that any 11+ tests are resistant to prepping and practise will simply improve performance


Non-verbal Reasoning

Prepare for different types of NVR questions  using


over 30 different types of NVR question examples
with explanations.

Available to download from the shop.

Consortia & Independent Schools using CEM 11+ & Select
Consortia using CEM 11+ Tests
South West Herts
Birmingham & Warwickshire
Gloucestershire; Slough; Reading;
Redbridge; Trafford, and BHP
Torbay & Devon, Shropshire, Walsall &
Wolverhampton, and Wirral

Independent Schools Using CEM Select Online Tests
St. Paul’s Girls’ School; Wycombe Abbey; Reading Blue Coat; St. George’s Weybridge; James Allen’s Girls’ School;  Woldingham School; Bede’s School;  Sutton High; City of London School for Boys; St. John’s Leatherhead; Mill Hill School; Princethorpe College; Millfield School; Farnborough Hill School; Downe House; Kirkham School; The Grange School; Ibstock Place; Queen Anne’s School; The King’s School; St Mary’s Calne; The Royal Masonic School, Harrow & Eton.
CEM Select Tests
Age Group: Suitable for entry into Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

Areas Tested: The assessments cover three core areas: Numerical, Verbal and Non-verbal ability

Average Test Duration: 60 minutes. with an option for 25% more time for special educational needs.

Format: Computer Based, guided by on-screen instructions.

Operation: Click a choice, enter text, drag and drop

Results: Within 72 hours

Preparation: New assessment paradigms are introduced to reduce the predictability of assessment content. CEM do not provide any commercially available practice materials.
CEM 11+ ® Tests for
State Grammar Schools
CEM Select 11+ ® Tests for
Independent Schools
  • Familisarisation material provided
  • No official mock tests
  • CEM Select computer assessments
  • Each test lasts 60 minutes
  • Multiple choice format
  • Verbal, non-verbal and mathematical skills tested
  • Differerent or same test every year
  • 11+ and 13+ testing
  • Results are age standardised
  • Benchmarked against existing pupils.
CEM Select 11+ Test Fair Banding
for oversubscribed State Schools
  • Familisarisation material provided
  • No official mock tests
  • CEM Select computer assessments
  • Each test lasts 60 minutes
  • Multiple choice format
  • Verbal, non-verbal and mathematical skills tested
  • Results are age standardised
  • Ranked by national or local norms
  • Provides banding for non-selective schools
Confidentiality of 11+ from CEM, Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, University of Cambridge.
CEM, terms with their clients now states:

"For the avoidance of doubt, the Client acknowledges that the Previous Users who have accessed materials which may form part of the Assessment are not under any specific obligation of confidentiality to CEM, or to the Client in regards to these materials and are therefore at liberty to further disclose and/ or discuss any information in regards to these materials which they may have accessed and which they may have committed to memory, with any third party they choose and through any medium. The Client acknowledges that this is outside of the control of CEM."

This provides confirmation that tests are created from a database of questions and content may be known by third parties. This includes tutors who may have gleaned content from their students who sat the tests.

This indicates preparation for tests is useful as some websites and suppliers may have access to past content.

Cambridge University have now withdrawn CEM  paper based 11+ tests. Cambridge spent hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees to refuse to answer basic questions including which schools shared the same tests. They answered such questions to a Caucasian women after refusing to answer the same question posed by an Asian man. They were aware of the ethnicity of both.

11+ Maths and NVR

Cool Clever Kids CCK CEM 11+ The Maths site with NVR (Non-verbal reasoning) for Sats and 11+ preparation. Ideal for primary school education and selective school exams. Maths lesson notes; worksheets; presentations; games, & tests auto marked with explanations.

11+ English & VR

WordBuilder WB CEM 11+Verbal reasoning and English for the 11+, Sats and private/independent school entrance exams as well as primary school. Spellings; definitions; meanings; synonyms; antonyms; cloze passages; jumbled sentences & comprehension.

Sats Papers
Year 2-6 & 11+
SATs Papers

Information relating to Sats Tests. Free downloads of Sats papers covering Year 2 to 6 with no registration. Prepare for Year 6 level 3-5, level 6 & 11+ tests. Download the latest phonics tests.
ATA React
Free Android App
Google Play
Alpha-Tek Associates CEM 11+

Fun FREE Android App to test your thinking and reaction speed. Four fun games: colours; shapes; numbers and next letter. Stores score history. Ideal for Sats & 11+ fun whilst you prepare. Download from Google Play.


Download FREE SATs papers. No registration & no annoying popup adverts.
11+ English (Verbal Reasoning)
online preparation with

Spellings; Vocabulary; Synonyms; Antomyms; Conundrums; Cloze Passages; Comprehension, and Jumbled up sentences. Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.
11+ Maths (Numerical Reasoning)
and NVR online preparation with

Free maths question generator
Lesson notes; presentations (videos); worksheets; games; Sats style tests from Year 2 to 6 including mental maths audio tests; private school 11+ tests, and CEM style past questions.
Now includes Non-verbal Reasoning.
Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.

The 11+ information site
Helping children pass the 11+
Free advice and resources with
recommendations for preparation.

Children’s Educational Material 11+
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7641 6970 
Email: [email protected]
© 2013-2023. CEM11plus.com group of websites. All rights reserved. Children's Educational Material for the 11+. CEM11plus.com group websites provide information helping children pass the eleven plus. CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring® is an independent not-for-profit research group now owned by Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press® and neither are associated with CEM11plus.com group websites. GL Assessment ® has no connection with CEM11plus.com group websites. The views expressed are those of CEM11plus.com. All trade names and trade marks are acknowledged. This website is secured with a SSL certificate provided to the parent group website, CEM11plus.com, and data is encrypted using 256 bit keys & TLS 1.2.